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Top Tips for Up and Coming Tech Entrepreneurs

Technology is quickly reshaping how almost every business operates, and is even modifying industries commonly perceived as stable. From healthcare, to finance to education, everything is working under unending disruption, and a budding tech entrepreneur can easily get lost in all the available options.


If you're in the technology field, it can get very expensive to put together the technology platform you need. But the following tips can help you grow your business and add value to your clients without emptying your coffers:


Remain focused on your goal.


Technology is a mighty tool, but even the best of it will not get you far if you are barely focused on your goal. As with anything else, whether it's losing weight or learning to play an instrument, you have to be focused on what you want to achieve. If your plan is at least sketched out, you can start finding all the tools you need to reach your goal. Learn more about entrepreneurs at


Add value.


You may have the most complex and integrated technology platform, coupled with a phenomenal social media presence, but unless you are adding value to your customers, it won't count. So first be sure what you're good at and what value you can contribute to the market, and then use that as a basis for your plan.


Create a technology strategy.


A lot of millenials think strategies are pass?, but clearly not. While you experiment with the technology tools you plan to use, you still need to do so in a logical and well-planned manner to avoid wasting money.


Use free or cheap tech platforms.


As a budding millennial tech entrepreneur, your best friends are the different options you can take to leverage of cheap, if not100% free, technology platforms that can help you grow your business. Communicating directly with customers on social media is free or at least with a nominal advertising fee - a great way to save some of those tech dollars and spend sweat equity instead.


Maximize your social media engagement.


Social media is apparently the most influential and important technology tool that newbie tech entrepreneurs can use these days, but it is not and will never be a one way street. While mainly free, you need to spend time and energy and have a clear-cut plan to make it work the way you want. Go all the way with the "social" side of social media, that is, by directly linking up with your market or prospective market, as well as by networking with other entrepreneurs who could help you grow your business.


Stay in the loop.


Lastly, technology outpaces itself at unprecedented rates, so fi you're a tech entrepreneur, you can't not be up-to-date!Finally, considering how technology quickly obsoletes itself, you can't afford not to be current all the time - you're a tech entrepreneur! The best part is, you need not break the bank to do this. Today, all you have to do is look for an MOOC (massively open online course) in any technology that may have caught your interest, and get straight to work. Know about Rafferty Pendery here!

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